5 Steps to textured upstyling

Textured styling doesn’t have to be difficult. Proven systems with textured styling will save you time and stress.

The reason it is important to learn and master the art of this type of styling is because when you have the right products, tools and technique framework, you will save so much time creating seamless solid balanced styles without the worry of how they will turn out.

When I started out it was overwhelming trying to really nail down the art of textured styling.

There’s so much to learn and it’s all stuff you don’t learn at hair school.

I know this because, funnily enough, the academy where I originally did my hair training 22 years ago is still offering pretty much the same hair-up training they were back then. Imagine my shock when I got a job there a few years back and was expected to teach these lessons that had barely evolved.

But.. The hairstyling world has changed SO much.

 With so much dated information and so many different ways of styling out there it can be difficult to know what the best way to create textured styles is.


This is why I have created my simplified textured styling process.


1.       The 3 elements I use in this process are:

-          Firstly, PRODUCT AND TOOL SELECTION Selecting the right products and tools for the style is imperative in ensuring a style that holds. Using enough product is another important factor of achieving a lasting style. Some of my favourite products to use are.. and since you are here with me today, you will be receiving my product and tool cheat sheet as a thank you!

-          PRIMING THE STYLE Starting with clean, dry hair will save time, but this hair tends to be soft. Using a priming product in dry hair before beginning will add grip to get the style to last.

-          From here we follow the 5 STEP TEXTURED STYLING FRAMEWORK which includes:

1.       HAIR PREPARATION direction in which to section and create movement on for the desired style

2.       BACKCOMBING for a solid and even base to anchor pins into and give a secure, lasting style

3.       POSITIONING the hair to build the flow of the style by smoothing the top layer of teasing into shape

4.       SECURING with pins and elastics, add padding if necessary, using secure pinning techniques.

5.       FINALISING face framing tendtrils, spray evenly.

I also have a short 3 step video available here for those of you who’d like to see more of this in action.

These are the steps I follow for each style I create. This is not about me though, it’s about you. Where would you sit on a scale of 1-10 with your styling process, do you have foolproof steps to follow every time?

Are you ready to step up and make a decision to focus on improving this area of your business?

If you’re needing more support, you can check out my online learning options. I would love to walk you through this process and trouble shoot any questions you may have.